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Dallas Food Truck Crawl

There is no better way to spend a weekend afternoon than to go on a food crawl, in my opinion. Whether it's doing an around-the-world theme in a food court or waking up early to try eggs benedict from 3 different brunch places, I am always down for some marathon eating and a seriously gassy nap afteward. So today, as my husband and I were driving home from donating some items and time to Operation Kindness (a no-kill shelter in Dallas, and a great place to ADOPT A DOG please excuse this shameless plug), we saw a large food truck rally in the parking lot by the shops at Park Lane. He didn't need to even ask if I was interested, and soon we were running through the parking garage to get to the trucks ASAP. I read on twitter that there was over an hour wait at each truck at Frisco StrEATs the day before, and I was not about to wait that long for some grub.

There were over so many trucks there! We targeted Easy Slider, Gennarino's, Short-N-Sweet, and Nammi. I was hoping to see Ssahm BBQ, which has the most incredible kimchee fries that I could swim in for hours, happily burning my skin off with sriracha sauce, but I'll have to post some pictures of their spicy goodness when I track them down another day.

Best In Show: We started off at Easy Slider. I've had their sliders once before, and Mama likes a familiar starter.

My husband and I had The Classic, The Roadside, The Sweet & Lowdown, and The French Revolution ($3.50 each). I love the little gherkin that comes on top of The Classic- but other than that, it's a great slider that needs a little ketchup. I'd rather try their much more adventurous and amazingly successful combinations, like the Sweet & Lowdown, that combines goat cheese, strawberry jam, crispier than crisp bacon, and a ground beef slider. There's a little slice of strawberry on the skewer that just makes it so pretty.
I could eat this slider once a day. Maybe twice. The slider isn't overcooked, as so many sliders tend to be. If you're going to do a food truck with one specialty, make it the best, and Easy Slider does just that. Everyone walking up to the truck was ordering at least one Sweet & Lowdown. Another notable success was The French Revolution. My husband is cheating on me with prosciutto, so he had to have a bite of this slider with gruyere, prosciutto, and tender onions. The spicy pickle slice on top is a wonderful victory for all burgerkind.

Mr. Congeniality Award: I first heard about Gennarino's on Facebook. A friend I went to middle school with and once traveled to England with on a choir trip posted something about her husband's family's food truck. Did you follow that? Good. I had heard amazing things, so I thought I'd give them a try. Ladies, if you want to find some charming Italian men with cute accents and delicious food, please go find this truck. But don't hit on my friend's husband. I won't be responsible for that. Anyway, this guy made my day. I understood every other word he said, but he understood everything I said, and recommended that I try Granny's sandwich ($7).

The sauce- to die for. I only wished it had been a little hotter! I wanted it to drip down my chin and singe off any unwanted facial hair. The bread is also to be noted- solid enough to hold a sandwich together, soft enough to hork down an unladylike bite. The pork shoulder in the sandwich is something to write home about- tender and juicy as if it's been simmered for hours. I love a good Sunday Sauce. This one would be perfect if warmed up more.

Best Import: Short N Sweet's truck is by far the tiniest little truck on the block, with the biggest line all day! People were standing there for seconds, and maybe thirds, of the paletas they carry, brought in from San Marcos Paleteria. My husband is a connosieur of paletas, Mexican popsicles, and is a rice pudding fanatic, so he was practically dragging me over to the truck. We were greeted by one half a dynamite husband and wife duo, affectionately named "Pebbles and Bam". They were friendly and funny and they gave me the best strawberries-n-cream paleta I've ever had ($3 each, $5 for 2- the only truck with a price break for buying more than 1!). Not too sweet, not to sour, with plenty of frozen strawberries to bite into. It was a windy day, so half of it ended up on my pants, which our dog, Zooey, gladly licked off. I will definitely be tracking them down for cool treats this summer!

Thirst Quencher: I love the wide array of Mexican cokes, sugar cane Dr. Peppers, and various waters in glass bottles at each of these food trucks, but if I want to wash down my food, I have to get the Mint Lemonade from Nammi Truck ($3). It is the only truck that offers a specialty beverage and it is not to be missed.

Do not let this red cup fool you. It may look like nothing, but it is a delectable little treat and I haven't asked anyone, but I think it makes your breath smell better. I ate a lot of onions today and my husband didn't complain about my breath once. He might be polite, but probably not. Drink this if you are on a food truck date. And guys- don't take a girl on your first date to a food truck no matter how often she tells you she's just a casual girl, not like other girls. She is like other girls. Take her on a second date to a food truck...but I digress. The mint is subtle and the lemonade helps cool down any spicy food you might have eaten. It's not the kind of lemonade that makes your teeth hurt and you immediately start coughing after drinking it- not too syrupy or pulpy. It's perfect. Trust me, I spent many a summer day in my childhood hand squeezing lemons and subsequently apologizing to my mother about the thick layer of dried simple syrup that covered our kitchen floor. I am no Crystal Light girl. I need genuine lemonade, and even if this comes from a mix (I don't know for sure), it doesn't taste like it. It'd be a great mocktail for a mama-to-be craving a mojito! Just try it. Don't let me go on any more. I'm embarassing myself with how much I love this lemonade.

Handomest Guy There: My husband. Here is a gratuitious shot of him eating the Sweet & Lowdown in 1 and a half bites. That's why I married him, ladies.

If You MUST Be Healthy: I saw this menu. It had vegetables on it. I didn't eat it, and no one was in line there, HOWEVER I tend to think that was based on the fact that the menu was complicated and didn't sound like easy-to-eat street food. I'd be interested in trying them on a less windy day. Here's a picture of the menu. Fried avocado sounds pretty delicious, right? I'll have to see for myself next time. Sorry, guys.

A very successful day for our stomachs and wallets. While nothing in Dallas is ever cheap, this was money well spent on food worth having.

A few disclaimers about this review: I don't want to be mean about anyone's food. I'm not a food critic, and I've been told that my food taste can be overwhelming- I like a big variety of textures and flavors combined to wake up my taste buds. If I'm going to eat food out of something that is powered by diesel, I don't expect it to be healthy, but I do expect it to be hot, fresh, and delicious. I think that you should track these trucks down on twitter and in real life and try their food no matter what I say about them. You may have a completely different experience. I am grateful for all these trucks allowing me to photograph them and ask them about the ingredients they use. Thanks guys!


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