You may not know this from my absolutely wonderful attitude, but our house caught on fire a few weeks ago. Actually, you probably know all about it because every time someone innocuously asks “how are you?” Eric or I will respond with “okay I guess…” which totally leads into the whole “aww, what’s wrong?” question and then we get to tell a gesture-filled story of what happened a few weeks ago. Eric’s side of the story really does not matter because he didn’t answer the phone the first two times I called to tell him I might die. He will receive floggings for this for the next 10 years. So here is what happened. After a very busy day of doing nothing but lying in bed eating Chicago Mix popcorn and watching Bravo TV, I decided it might be time to take a shower. I had just put the ingredients for my favorite carnitas in the crock pot that I got for Christmas. It might be a good time to admit that I have never owned a crock pot before this year. I saw this rainbow crock pot at Tar...