Earlier this week, I asked my twitter and facebook followers to email me at mama@mamasgottaeat.com to ask any of their pregnancy or new mom questions, and I've gotten quite a few responses! I'm answering some of your Ask Mama questions this week and will post new answers every Thursday. As you'll see from these questions, NOTHING IS TOO GROSS FOR ME. One of the answers is specifically dedicated to my dear friend and new mama-to-be, Traci. Check her out at www.mrsrocketman.com ! Q: I am about to have my first baby and, given my small frame, my doctor has suggested an episiotomy. Do you have any advice for me immediately following this procedure? I'm afraid it will be painful! A: I'm so glad you asked this! One of my mamas recently experienced this same issue. To clarify for the new mommies, an episiotimy is a surgical procedure, typically planned far in advance, to make the second stage of labor easier. If you want that in even more graphic terms, it's...